Monday, December 1, 2008

we are here

Oh the joys of thanksgiving...
we'll start on wednesday. I met two great friends Dom and Liz for lunch at Jess' Quick Lunch on court square. Which was followed by pumpkin ice cream at Klines. It was wonderful to catch up with them and share such a great lunch. Leaving the lunch I was happy and I can say now, Dom and Kevin were great roommates and friends and I was blessed to live with them for the time I did. Not to mention that their wives make up a group I am more then proud to be a part of: the headlights. 
I arrived home shortly after that to spend time with my parents and wait for Ash and Ryan to arrive with Brinks for the holiday. They arrived and we ate chili and dairy/gluten free pumpkin pie, which was quite good (it helps that I love rice pudding and gingersnaps. We watched Wall-e and relaxed. Ash brought treats from Eileen's, which secured it as my favorite bakery, hands down. After all the festivities Mom Ash Ryan and I played a very intense game of rumi cube. I love thanksgiving in all parts and this one was a top performer. 
I left friday morning to stop in Lex, pick up Kari and held to Cinci. I love this place. We arrived to the hoopla of the apple store to see Mandy helping someone fulfill their ipod dream. We headed to Deweys and got good gourmet calzones. The next morning an event happened I've been waiting a few years to accomplish, I adventured around Jungle Jims. I loved it, everyone was right, I knew they would be. Ate at Green Papaya, sushi is growing on me and so is spicy asian food. Then Kyle came over to Mandy's and we dominated at scene it, yentil, it's all I need to say. We then (Mandy Kari Tex and I) awaited Tee's arrival and then head to LaRosa's for pizza and toasted pepperonis. Now for the event of the evening... Festival of Lights. We ran around the zoo like happy children, see all the great animals and light shows. Jumping pictures were the laugh highlight. Then it was off to Hofbrauhaus for german beer and good times. Mike and Sara arrived and lead us in a riveting game of 10 fingers. Tex and Kari stayed in kentucky, and we all headed back to OHio. Gameday, sunday. watching the game not fun. Hanging out with Kevin, well worth it. and I had rain paints which kept me dry. After the game we headed to meet Josh, Kyle and a surprise Caitlin at a very matter of fact restaurant. CHINA FOOD. and it was china food and good. I got everyone but Josh to order egg drop soup, which is a good chinese soup. I had breakfast this morning at Brueggers with Joe and we caught up on life and the Lord and it was good. 
If I could sum up my time in cincinnati with a word, it would be replenishing. This is a big city that I feel comfortable in, a community that I love and have a place in. People I love and desire to love better each time I am with them. It is easy to say I have a place in finneytown I can call home, I even feel like the town is a second home town. Kevin Josh and Kyle are guys I love to spend time with and hear about their lives and want to share mine with them. Joe never ceases to amaze me with his openness and willingness to share, its encouraging and challenging. The Bengals break my heart but I love them nonetheless and know they will succeed. It's a place I could spend days just seeing people and thanking them for being a part of my ministry and life and for sharing their city with me, so know all of you are loved and cherished. 
The drive home was longer than normal due to the weather. On an honest note I prayed more and laid my heart in to God's hands during this trip, winter weather is my favorite to watch on tv but not drive in. Needless to say from the tamarak till lewisberg I told the Lord I trusted him and asked him (maybe told) to end the snow, and he did, the road cleared up and as we entered Virginia the sun came out. Leaving the tam I had insisted Tex not wait for me because I would not be driving fast enough for him, he didn't. He passed me a little before the snow started and then remained there at 45 mph until the snow subsided. I had 5 people with me in my car, my mom praying from Harrisonburg, the lord calming me through it, Tex and Kari guiding me out of the weather and Sandra McCraken singing to me about Jesus. without all of them I don't really know what the storm would have been like, I probably would have stopped or broken down (me not my car, she's a champ) and just gotten angry but i didn't. as we exited the storm I checked my phone for service to call my mom and let her know I was almost home and out of the bad weather. but I had a text that just said "we are here". I don't know when exactly it was sent but I'm glad it was. I sent thanks back and then began to cry, really just a few tears because I got myself back together and laughed at the Lord and what he did there. I am blessed with a Family that loves him and me and I can enjoy in all things. I have friends who don't mock me for my fears but help me through them and laugh with me at my ridiculousness. I have places that God has given me to see him and see him clearly. 

This is a long post to talk about thanksgiving but I needed to get it all out and put into writing the blessings I've been given as to not doubt them or minimize them. He is a good God, I said that many times today and without a doubt it is my favorite way to describe him. He is good and I love him. 

a small note: all the mention of food is important, 1. because its part of me and 2. I'm learning more and more that my love of food and the gift I have of creating it are from the Lord and I thank him for it. I won't down play my ability just up play who has given it to me. So when talking about thanksgiving food must be mentioned because I am thankful for it. 

Sunday, October 19, 2008

He is good.

There are a couple things that have sparked this post:
1. I just finished reading all my friends blogs
2. The butternut squash in the oven is beginning to smell 
3. Lyle Lovett and friends are singing on tv

With our first fall weekend past, fall settling in, and the west coast fast approaching, I seem to have a lot on my mind. It was good to have young life out at camp. Though I'm there to serve anyone who comes to camp, I can't help but feel like I'm in my niche and in stride with Christ as I walk out into the dining hall during a meal and see high schoolers there eating and knowing they are in the midst of something monumental. They could walk from death to life in a matter of hours. I wouldn't give up the feeling for anything. God is good. Very good. 
I made the decision yesterday to go to Disneyland next Monday. I'm hoping my dear friends let me hold to the idea that it was my decision to do this and not theirs, though lets be honest, their unyielding love of Disney and how fun they are swayed my mind. I debated for awhile and held strong to the thought that spending a day along in Venice beach would be a great thing, and it would, but this vacation is as much out our friendship and the fun we all have together as anything else and why would I miss out on that, plus (this may or may not have been a major factor) its Halloween at Disneyland as at her sister Disney world, and I wouldn't want to miss that since I've seen it at the world. 
This Wednesday I have a huge privilege, I'm part of a legacy testimony for the Newport News YL banquet. If there is one things (believe me there's more) I struggle with, its trusting that the Lord used me in my time at Stafford. Now He's set before me this, I can't deny or ignore what will happen on Wednesday, God's will and plan for his people will be spoken through six of us, six men He used and will continue to use. I am blessed. 
Steve and I met with Chaplain Park on Friday morning. The Lord was there. I am truly excited to see what the Lord has planned for us at VMI. At the same time I'm nervous, I need to rely on God. I'm not really the manly type and in my self doubting brain I worry how I will relate to these cadets. Yes I know its God, He will relate us to each other. I don't know why I doubt. He is bigger than me and the army and the prowess that is VMI. God was there on Friday and He'll keep being there when we start meeting. I know this because He is good and everlasting. And loves me. 
This is weeks away but my excitement for it would make you think I was going tomorrow. 
CINCI... I love this place. I'm going for thanksgiving, how fitting. I will see some of my favorite people. Know my excitement. 

just for an update:
1. The butternut squash was good.
2. The concert made me smile.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

notes on a scandal

nope just my week...

This week at camp we had 18 area directors who have only been on staff for 0-2 years at camp for a training. The centurion project being its official title. I guess they're becoming centurions, I don't know. But it was great. I was able to serve some of my favorite people with great food and facilitate a good environment for  them to learn and grow. I wasn't alone in this task, Tex and Julie also did great things and made great food for them (I should have taken Julie's advice and not put onions in the quesadillas). Someone made the comment that it is crazy and a little ridiculous that this group of people are the future of young life in Virginia (yes they are young and high spirited to say the least) but I couldn't think of a better group of people for the Lord to use. Don't take this persons comment wrong they weren't looking down on the group at all, I think just surprised at who was in the room. The 18 people are some of my favorite people, because the Lord has given me the privilege of growing up in young life along side most of them. I've gotten to be apart of some of their weddings and others I count as great friends. All of them I know strive after the heart of the Lord in a way I desire to know and yearn to do. They inspire me in the ministry we team in and encourage me in my walk (though because of many reasons I've probably never told them this). Needless to say, I'm excited about what God has planned for this great commonwealth. 

On Friday I went with Kari to see Nick and Norah's infinite playlist and eat dinner at McAlister's Deli. Dinner went as usual, it took several minutes to decide what to eat and then the determining of who was going to order as to not get the same thing (since I'm a little crazy about that). The movie was great. I could say a lot but it was funny, and has a sweet sound track. The thing that I like most about the experience is that we were in a theater with mostly high schoolers watching a movie about high schoolers and it was cool to hear what they laughed at and what the kids beside me would comment about. 

Saturday night we ventured back up to Waynesboro to hear Jamie and two of his friends play at a open mic night. Jamie is a great song writer and performer. Sitting there listening to him play you could tell he had his heart in the words he had written. It has been a while since I've gotten to listen to a friend play their own music, I like it. 

And now I'm making my chili (honestly its rachel ray's though I've begun to tweak it into my own) and listening to the soundtrack to nick and norah (I know I know I'm a sucker for soundtracks). I love this chili and apparently other people do as well since it was requested for small group tonight. It means fall is here, and that makes me happy. People often ask "so what do ya'll do now that summer is over" and I quickly tell them we relax and have fall weekends, my favorite time of year. I love this time of year at camp and life in general. Its quiet even though so much is beginning again. It's when we are able to sit as a community and catch up and laugh and not think about work (ok maybe I still think about work but its ok I'm getting better).

no scandals just my week, which could be scandalous if you wanted it to be. 

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

North Carolina

Great Weekend. We traveled in a circle from lex to washington to asheville back to lex in four days. I haven't done that much traveling in a long time. There is something great about driving (granted I never once sat behind the wheel). With an average of five hours between each stop on the trip, the car time was as much apart of the weekend as all the events that took place. With plenty of stops for drinks (coffee, diet coke and a lot of meals). To my joy, two songs became a staple (granted I pushed for them at first) for dull radio moments, track 3 and 4 of Kings of Leon new album. Check it out. The whole album.
Stop one: Washington NC
DC got married, how crazy is that! I'm really excited for him. The wedding itself was great, ironic bad sound problems, but they were so happy and excited and served me communion. I was able to spend time with four of my favorite people, The Sharps. Then there was the after party. There is something very fun about staying in a camper. Saturday was a great day.
Stop two: Asheville NC
It is by far one of my favorite places in america if not the world. I don't really know what it is about that place. I would say its the food or the downtown or the mountains. on a side note as we drove through north carolina my heart relaxed when mountains came into view, which I'm taking as a sign I should stay near them. It's also said that the people make the place and that is undoubtedly true about Asheville. This trip held some first, like a visit to the Biltmore and showing Tex around the great city. I got to spend time with my favorite dog Homer. If I could clone him I would, hands down. No questions asked. As usual the time spent with Chris and Caroline was super quality and I cerish them both as friends and can't wait for little Davic Giavonni to be around. It makes sense that homer is their dog. Chris taught us how to play blackjack and I think I might play when I step onto the casino floor. I was also blessed to see Kyle on sunday night, all I can say is I wish I had more Kyle in my life. Asheville soothed my soul and gave me the rest people were praying for.
Stop three: Windy Gap
after breakfast at well bred we head out of town and stop at camp to see Emily and show Tex the camp. It was good to see camp. My heart hurt to be there. I was given good advice to remember that feeling and rely on the truth at God didn't want me there this past may. It's heart to rest in that because of everything that is in and around. I know God is finishing a work in me and I'm excited about it, and He wouldn't put that hurt on my heart if He didn't have plans for me later and that's a good thing.
All in All.... good weekend.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

two songs

So I've been thinking a lot about waiting the past couple of weeks (ok, my whole life), maybe because I always think about it or maybe because a lot of people have been writing in their blogs on their waiting processes. Here are my two cents on the subject.  

Matt Wertz just released an album and sadly most of the songs aren't new. There are four however that are and they are good. One ironically is titled "waiting"

I'm waiting all of my life been waiting
To get it right, but that still seems like its so far away
And I'm taking all the advice I'm given

I know that he's writing about his own personal experience but it's like he knew what I have been thinking. It's hard to say why I wait and what I'm waiting for. While I wait, I plan out thousands of different things I could be doing and what my life might look like. Why I do this, I don't know. It's not helpful or healthy. I substitute being happy where I am, with trying to figure out what might make me happy. That's why the second verse of Wertz's song hits so close

Maybe if I had a somebody, maybe 
She would stand by me and somehow then I'd act more like my age

Seriously, I don't know how many times this thought has run through my mind. especially then my two months four weddings. I think I know what will create this mid twenties life, I think I can plan it out. The irony is that once I start to walk towards these things given me, I become terrified and sabotage the whole event. 

The past week I've begun to see the sin of what this is. I can't find contentment in what the Lord has given me. I must plan out and imagine a life where I might love him more, live a life more glorifying, or even be more holy and righteous. He doesn't want that, he wants me, he wants me to wait. Driving to work on saturday, knowing it was going to be long and tiresome, I heard the Caedmon's Call song "thousand miles" and could help by know the Lord was talking to me. Refusing to sing along so I didn't burst into tears, I sat and listened and knew its was true and my new desire:

so take my broken offering and make it whole
set my feet upon the road that leads me home
let me walk as one fixed upon the goal
and I know I've got a thousand miles to go. 

So I've got these two songs and they both are speaking great truth into my life. One allowing me to rest in the knowledge that I'm not alone in my thoughts on waiting and what might fix my life and the other giving me a clear hope of what God will bring me to and it might take awhile. 

Monday, September 15, 2008

something new (my blog thesis?)

I always said I wouldn't be starting a blog until I moved away from where I currently am and had people who would want to read about my new life. That's not where I am. I'm contently happy in Lexington working at camp. I am however taking the advice of my friend and roommate, who undoubtedly took the advice of our friend and not roommate, and will begin putting my thoughts somewhere other than my head. I've never really thought of myself as a writer or even someone who keeps a journal. It stems from my fear of writing about the show I watched that day or the trivial activities I may do each day. In my head blogs are this thing people take on to share grand adventures or monumental ideas, not a place for your everyday thoughts. I have learned from my two friends that yes, blogs are for what I thought they were for, but even more they are for exactly what I thought they wouldn't be for. 

So here I am writing my first blog entry. I'm excited and terrified I will just begin writing about grill cheese and 90210 and trying to make something out of nothing to compare to whatever I think a blog should be about. But truthfully if I've got nothing to write then I just don't sign in, it's not like this is some hard leather bound journal sitting next to my bed waiting for my daily scribbles. The thought is also running through my head that this post is some sort of thesis that will entice people to read about my life, so I've got to make it good. 

I'll end with a disclaimer: 
I am a chef, I love to cook, and I plan out my vacations based on where I will be eating, but contrary to the title of my blog, I don't think I'll be posting many recipes on here. The concept came to me, that if when I plan a menu I do it one recipe at a time, and life is about living in the moment, and I think I'm here to write about where life has me and is taking me, why not make this blog like I make a menu: one recipe at a time.